If playing Pickleball is your new sport to try out, undeniably, purchasing game equipment(s) will excite your system. Pickleball is growing in popularity in many countries. This game has been played by family/friends during leisure, competitive play, and exercise. This game requires a pickleball paddle and a ball. Foam balls are not USAPA approved but can still be used for casual play. Most people new to pickleball like to experiment a bit with different balls. If you’ve purchased or are still planning to purchase Pickleball equipment(s), you may raise a question: How Long Do Pickleballs last?

In this article, we will provide you with information on what are the two kinds of Pickleball balls, do Pickleballs wear out, and how long do Pickleballs last. Scroll down to find out more!

What are the two types of Pickleballs?

Outdoor Type of Pickleball

Outdoor Pickleball balls
Outdoor Pickleballs are made for outdoor courts and are made of durable materials. Outdoor Pickleballs has a quality that is made from heavier, harder, and smooth plastic materials with 40 drilled holes. These outdoor balls are less impacted by the wind due to their structure and weight which makes them perfect for outdoor games.

Outdoor pickleballs come in different weights and sizes, which makes them versatile to all types of players. Outdoor pickleballs tend to come off their paddles harder and faster. Because there is less drag on the outdoor pickleballs, it is simpler to hit hard. The control, on the other hand, is difficult and placing them precisely necessitates dexterity.

It is also good for shorter and exciting rallies, higher and good bounce are the norm on these outdoor balls. This type of Pickleball is tougher when placed in colds and softer in heat, plus it is around 0.9 ounces in weight, however, it makes more noise. Due to the exposure to the outdoors and bouncing off of harsher outside surfaces, they need to be changed more frequently than indoor balls.

In order to check for the roundness, you should hit the ball up with a spin and observe the ball movement. Since the outdoor balls are harder, heavier, and slightly larger, they tend to be noisier, and being hit with the ball hurts slightly more than the indoor balls.

Most outdoor balls have 40 holes, indoor balls usually have 26 although there is no set number for indoor vs. outdoor balls. Some are made with a different number of holes, like the P7 that has 32. The hole spacing and ball design must be done so the ball flies straight. The most common brand(s) for this type of balls are Onix, Dura, and Top.

Indoor Pickleball balls

Indoor Pickleball balls

Indoor Pickleballs have the opposite characteristics of outdoor balls. Indoor Pickleballs are softer and have larger, fewer holes than outdoor balls. This type of ball has a straightforward control, but it’s also quite difficult to smash because of the extra drag.

Indoor Pickleballs are more textured, allowing players to generate more spin and the rallies tend to be longer than with the outdoor balls. Soft places are common too when indoor pickleballs wear out and rarely go out of round or crack. Furthermore, this type of ball allows for more control in your serve and roughly weighs 0.8 ounces.

While indoor balls are lighter, they are difficult to hit and harder, and it can be a disadvantage to players who like to play indoor pickleball on outdoor courts. However, many pickleballers prefer indoor balls outdoors because they are more indulgent and therefore produce a more controlled game with longer ball swings. In fact, active pickleball players who frequently play in outdoor courts can replace the pickles in your play, while the smooth finish for indoor courts, which are more forgiving, can be less durable than the same balls as casual indoor players use for months.

Do pickleballs wear out?

A Pickleball’s lifespan might range from a few games or for a longer period. Outdoor pickleballs have heavier and harder materials that have a tendency to crack or become out-of-round after straight, draining play. Indoor balls, on the other hand, rarely go-out-of round or crack and usually last longer, however, after a long period of use, the indoor balls will develop soft areas.

Pickleball balls are made from high-quality rubber material. The balls are also made to be durable so that they can withstand repeated use without any damage or wear-and-tear. They are designed to last for many years and provide the best performance.

The only downside to these balls is that they may wear out after years of use. This happens because the rubber material can get worn down over time as it absorbs impacts from the paddle and ball during gameplay.

When is the right time to replace a Pickleball?

There are many factors to tell when is the right time to replace a Pickleball. Purchasing new equipment can help you achieve a good play and add motivation to your game. However, as a player and a consumer, you need to be conscious when is the right time that you need a new pickleball.

A competitive player will replace their pickleball equipments once a year, though some may swap even sooner if their sponsors provide them with new pickleball equipments. Pickleball’s longevity is affected by a number of elements, including the strength with which you strike the ball, the ambient temperature, and the playing surface. Even if all other factors remain constant, you will notice that some of the balls fracture earlier than others. Your instinct is the greatest way to detect if a ball needs to be replaced. It’s time to get a new ball if you notice it has slowed down, doesn’t have the same hit or isn’t responding as well as it did when you first bought it.

When a pickleball ball gets too worn out, it is time to replace it too. Additionally, the right time to replace a pickleball ball is when the air pressure in the ball drops below 8 pounds per square inch and when it starts to get fuzzy or when it starts to look different from the rest of the balls in your bag.

How long do Pickleballs last?

One question that many people ask when they first learn about this game is how long do the balls last? The answer to this question depends on the type of ball you are using. There are several types of balls, so it’s important to know which type you’ll be playing with beforehand. It is important for the players to know how long the balls last and what kind of effect they have on the court. Pickleball balls are made to last for a long time, and they can be used for years if they are properly cared for.

Pickleball balls are made from natural rubber and come in many different sizes. They vary in weight depending on the size of the ball, but generally range from 2.4 ounces to 3 ounces. The balls should be replaced every three months or when the ball becomes too hard to bounce or has too much air inside it. Before it’s recommended to be switched out, a pickleball seems to last for 3-5 games at maximum performance.


Pickleball is a great summertime activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family. We hope that this article provides information and helps you in choosing the right pickleballs for your game. Have a happy Pickleball play!